Quick Survey: Most Popular Features

Quick Survey: Most Popular Features

i le Kristyn Rose -
Number of replies: 1

Many of you saw my post, asking about the most popular features for faculty/trainers and students.  Thanks so much to those who sent me input!  Now, I've posted a quick survey on this topic.

Please take a few moments to help with this information-gathering.  It's a very brief survey, but it will help give some useful information to our university's open-course LMS search committee. 

The survey is at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=388802257282  It is open for only one week, until June 21st.  Feel free to share this link with other students and faculty/trainers.

Thank you!


Average of ratings: -
In reply to Kristyn Rose

Re: Quick Survey: Most Popular Features

i le Kristyn Rose -

Just a reminder that this survey is set to close tonight.  If you have any input, I'd appreciate your response.  It's a very short survey and shouldn't take much time at all.  I have only 15 responses and would very much appreciate more!

Thank you!
