Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni Grigory Rubtsov -
Number of replies: 9
The topic of online-learing is not widely covered on Russian information market.

I am willing to create a section at the information portal ( dedicated to online learning. For that I would like to translate to Russian some fundamental and actual papers on subject. Of course I wish also to add some articles about advantages of Moodle.

Please help me with a suggestions of the articles (in English) worth translating.
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In reply to Grigory Rubtsov

Re: Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni Abd Karim Alias -


I strongly recommend Terry Anderson and Fathi Elloumi's edited text (full text) of Theory and Practice of Online Learning, from Athabasca University ( This 454 pages of comprehensive coverage of e-learning will be a useful reference.

I would like to invite you also to my website: Here you will find pointers to plenty more useful resources on e-learning.


In reply to Grigory Rubtsov

Re: Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni john kuti -
This is an excellent idea. Strangely Constructivisim- although it evolved out of the writing of Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky hasn't come back very much in its modern form. I'd also like to see much more study of Jurgen Habermas here.

We have begun a Russian-language wiki on the subject of Moodle in Saint Petersburg.
In reply to Grigory Rubtsov

Re: Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni Jurgis Pralgauskis -
try ngiti
I also liked Gerry Stahl papers for my thesis

though in classical understanding, E-learning probably wasn't imagined as much of collaborative nature.. - just another means to put/get information..
probably one of the first biggest steps was done by the Open University
and the concept of e-learning is kind of fuzzy - see the attached pic..

I also liked Salmons 5-stages model - it is good to plan your communities' activity while it matures..
well, and e-tivities is something very basic

good luck ngiti
Attachment open-distance-flexi-learning.jpg
In reply to Grigory Rubtsov

Re: Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni Frances Bell -
As a co-author , I am hardly likely to claim that this paper is classical but it is about e-learning and OPen Source (in this case our use of Moodle at CABWEB) and it is already in Russian!
You should include a link not upload the paper.

The first reference that I give to students researching in this area is more of a book than a paper.  Look for the Guidelines on CSALT page.
In reply to Grigory Rubtsov

Re: Classical papers on online and distance learning needed

ni Grigory Rubtsov -
Thank to everyone for suggestions, it really helps. I'll post when there'll be some translation progress.