How about this for the Weekly Format Course Type

Re: How about this for the Weekly Format Course Type

Tranquil Earth - ން
Number of replies: 0


I don't post here very often, but I am looking for a similar type of Course Format.

Currently I utilise the Topic Format, as I have students who may enroll in a Course anytime they lilke.  But it would be wonderful to have a Format which could slow my students down to completing each Lesson at 1 Lesson per week, instead of whenever they want.  I would prefer not to have set semesters etc. and I have seen other teaching places utilising this type of technology. 

It would probably have to be a combination of Weekly (or similar) and Topic Format, but based on the student logging-in rather than the actual week etc.

e.g. Fred Bloggs logs-in on Monday and Moodle shows him when he can access the next topic in number of days (week/fortnight/month) based on when he completed the last topic.  I hope this makes sense?

I don't know how hard it would be to set-up a Format like this (don't know PHP much), but I am sure many others would find it quite usefull to have an "Open" format.

Also, I am testing 1.3 and I have to say I love it.  But it would be really handy if when using edit mode in a Course, there were delete icons "X:" next to each topic.  As many times, I copy courses (using backup and restore) and I don't need all the topics, it would be really handy to be able to delete the extra ones?  At the moment I hide them, but they can be seen from the pull-down menu.  Just a thought. 

Thanks in advance.

