"Open source mathematics curriculum and assessment tools", August 5 to August 9, 2024 at Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya

"Open source mathematics curriculum and assessment tools", August 5 to August 9, 2024 at Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya

by Christopher Sangwin -
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Dear all,

I'm posting to advertise a meeting "Open source mathematics curriculum and assessment tools", August 5 to August 9, 2024 at Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya

Participation is financially supported by the American Institute of Mathematics and spaces are limited. There are still a few spaces available.  If you would be able to contribute to this meeting then please submit an application.  If you have colleagues you believe would be valuable additions to the workshop please encourage them to submit their names asap via this very short application form.

Time is of essence, final decisions on applications will be made at the end of next week.

Chris Sangwin
On behalf of the organizers: Franca Hoffmann, Joe Champion, Franca Hoffmann, Michael Obiero, and Mary Ochieng.

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