Switch content on/off

Switch content on/off

- Deb W の投稿
返信数: 4

I'm working on developing a course in Moodle 3.11.  The course has several objectives with quiz questions associated with each objective.  The primary instructor for the course would like to do a pre-quiz with all questions, then based upon the students answers on each set of objectives, make related content visible or hidden if pre-lesson quiz score of objective is better than 90%.  Is this possible?  

Have similar situation with another course.  That instructor would like to delineate data based upon a students answers to a quiz/survey.  For instance, if they ask a farmer is they grow wheat, corn, soybeans, etc., only the related content to those crops would appear, and all other crops would remain hidden.....just to clean up the surface area of the course.  Is this possible?

Deb W への返信

Re: Switch content on/off

- Ravi Murugesan の投稿
画像 Particularly helpful Moodlers 画像 Testers

Hi Deb - That's certainly possible. Check out the Restrict Access feature.

Ravi Murugesan への返信

Re: Switch content on/off

- Deb W の投稿
Hi Ravi - Thanks for your reply...but I'm not seeing exactly what I'm trying to do. I have two courses that are trying to do similar things. One would like to put a survey/multiple choice type question that allows the student to select a path for their learning. That decision then would be the visible path, and then later in the course, if they choose to loop back and see other paths they can. Instructor is asking for this as there is a lot of information in each path, and they feel it's overwhelming to students. But then those that actually trudge through the information in the end are asking for access to the other paths as they had some great takeaways. I can restrict access based upon grades...have though through that I could use a multiple choice and actually assign a grade to each multiple choice and then use that as the restrictor...but seems kludgy. I could also assign them to groups...but as this course can not legally show the names/contacts of others in the course, I'm not sure groups would do the trick.

The second similar course would like to use a bank of test items that are associated with multiple objectives. Based upon how the student does with a pre-test of these, then turn on or off sections of the course that pair with areas they did not pre-test well in. ...For the same reasons as the first course, because there is a LOT of material in each of the objectives... These are non credit courses, I need to trim the visibility of the course down to just what they need...hence the pre-test. The standard deviation of what they will be coming to the course with will be quite large....so don't want to waste anyone time on stuff they learned decades ago.

Ideas on either course?
Deb W への返信

Re: Switch content on/off

- Gregor McNish の投稿
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For the second, if the test was broken into mutliple quizzes, and completion for each quiz was set for particular pass mark, you can use restrict access based on activity completion.
So for example for subject A, if the quiz for subject A pass grade was >80%, then that would be scored as activity completed.
Then for the resources (or topic(s)) relating to subject A, set the restrict access to only show if the quiz for subject A is not completed
Gregor McNish への返信

Re: Switch content on/off

- Joost Elshoff の投稿
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I'd just like to add the following to the excellent suggestions by Ravi and Gregor that it pays to spend some time drawing / sketching the different paths through the course, so you have a visual aid when implementing these 'decisions' by building Restrict Access rules on activities and sections in your course. Also: take the time to rigourously 'play-test' your setup before running it with your students, as to catch any unexpected side effects in the design.