disabledif crafted filemanager

disabledif crafted filemanager

von Daniele Cordella -
Anzahl Antworten: 1
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers

Hello moodlers.

In a moodle form I use a filemenager crafted into a group. (I have my resons to do so. We can discuss about it but, maybe, not now. Here, please, just trust me.)

My question is: given the attached php file (with a mform class definition method), how am I supposed to modify the
$mform->disabledIf($filemanagerbasename, $booleanbasename, 'neq', '1');
in line 61 (and/or 62) to actually disable the crafted filemanager on the mform radio element user selection?

Changing the value of
$usefilemanagergroup = false;
from true to false and viceversa in line 47 you can see that disabledif works fine if filemanager element is not in a group but refuses to work otherwise.
Any suggestion?

As usual, thanks in advance.

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