digests - a problem? digests - a problem?

oleh Martin Huntley -
Jumlah balasan: 10
About three times in the past year (most recently last week), seems to have forgotten that I'm signed up for lots of different forums and should be getting a daily digest. Digests just stop coming and, when I check, seems not to know any longer that I was subscribed to some forums. (And it's a pain to remember what I was subscribed to, and to reinstate those subscriptions!)

Are others having the same problem? Can anyone explain it?
Rata-rata penilaian: -
Sebagai balasan Martin Huntley

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh N Hansen -
You are probably being unenrolled from the course automatically because you don't log in frequently enough.
Sebagai balasan N Hansen

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Martin Huntley -
Aah! I bet that's it.

For a site like, where the "courses" are not time-limited in the way courses ordinarily would be, I'd think it desirable to not have users unsubscribed after not logging in for a while. (Or, make it a VERY long while.)
Sebagai balasan Martin Huntley

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Helen Foster -
Gambar dari Core developers Gambar dari Documentation writers Gambar dari Moodle HQ Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers Gambar dari Plugin developers Gambar dari Testers Gambar dari Translators
Hi Martin,

For your information, accounts unused for more than 60 days are automatically unenrolled. The Participants link in the People block gives the number of users in the last 60 days. surprise
Sebagai balasan Helen Foster

How does one go about removing oneself?

oleh James Fales -
lets say hypothetically that one signed oneself up for way to many courses and now wants to not recieve a million emails a day.  How would one get removed from all of them?
Sebagai balasan James Fales

Re: How does one go about removing oneself?

oleh Charlie Wilson -
One quick easy way to do that is to disable your email account in your profile but this will stop ALLLLLL emails from coming through... Hypathetically that is.... hehe wink
Sebagai balasan Helen Foster

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Martin Huntley -
Thanks for the info. I hadn't realized that.

I find it enormously useful to do a daily scan of messages from selected forums and only occasionally need to log in to follow up on something.
Sebagai balasan Martin Huntley

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Sean Tierney -
I can't explain this - but I have noticed that I am getting two digest emails a day (rather than 1) - with just one or two in the second digest - is the digest limited to a certain number of posts? Is this happening to others or just to me?

Sebagai balasan Sean Tierney

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Timothy Takemoto -

Are you enrolled in more than one course at That might explain it - the other course.


Sebagai balasan Timothy Takemoto

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Sean Tierney -
Yes, i am enrolled in several - but posts from various courses come in one email and then a few more (2 or 3) usually in a second email. No obvious distinction between the two in terms of content, source, course etc.
Sebagai balasan Sean Tierney

Re: digests - a problem?

oleh Charlie Wilson -
it is happening to me as well i see no patteren in what is happening because i use to be signed up for a lot more forums than i am now and it would still only put one or two in the second email...