Question on Moodle date of birth

Question on Moodle date of birth

David Delgado -
Martin, you said that you started working on Moodle in 1999, on Zope, but then you have different copyright notes on Moodle software itself, some being 2000-2003 others being 2001-2003.

Could you please fix all that and tell us when was Moodle really born? 眨眼 perhaps it should be 1999-2004? do you know the month, the day,... the minute, second,...? anything else?

I just know that Moodle 1.0 was born in August 20th, 2002 (your birthday), but many people were using it long before.

Please, tell us about it. Just curious. 微笑
回复David Delgado

Re: Question on Moodle date of birth

Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers的头像 Documentation writers的头像 Moodle HQ的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像
The name was decided 22 January, 1999, and the first prototype (in Zope) was made and used for course ("Internet Overview") that year.

The second prototype was a heavily hacked PHPNuke in late 2000, which I produced while consulting for a university in Beijing (created it in one week!). It was used (and may still be!) for a Chinese course on "World Trade".

The actual codebase we are using now was started from scratch in early 2001, used for the first real Moodle course ("Constructivism") in the second half of 2001, and a basic version made public on this site in November 2001. From then until August 2002 I did a lot of work cleaning everything up and adding modules until I felt ready to call it version 1.0 on August 20 2002.

The rest you can see in the Site News. 微笑

It was good to write this down, because until I checked a few of those dates it had all become a blur. 微笑