Join us for the Moodle Academy webinar “Translating User-Generated Content” on Wednesday 13th March, 9:00 UTC

Join us for the Moodle Academy webinar “Translating User-Generated Content” on Wednesday 13th March, 9:00 UTC

από Sandra Matz -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

We invite you to register for the Moodle Academy free webinar “Translating User-Generated Content”, on Wednesday 13th March, 9:00-10:00 UTC.

In this Moodle Academy webinar, Andrew Hancox, of Open Source Learning, and Rajneel Totaram, of Moodle Academy, will talk about the technical details of building a Moodle plugin for translating user-generated content.

This presentation will explore the design and challenges of content translation, and how the content translation pluginset tries to overcome these.

If you are a Moodle developer keen on user-generated content translation or want to learn about a complex use of Moodle filter plugin, this presentation will be of interest.

This webinar is part of the course 'Moodle Academy webinars'. You have to be enrolled in this free course to register and join the webinar."

Register at Moodle Academy.

Webinar 'Translating User-Generated Content' 13th March, 9:00 UTC. Register now at Moodle Academy.