Add an Editor as course option in new course format

Add an Editor as course option in new course format

yazan Nicolas Dalpe -
Yanıt sayısı: 0
Hi Guys,
We are building a new course format based on Topics. I want to add an editor as a course option and I have the following questions:

Should we add the _editor suffix when we declare the field (with $mform->addElement)?

How do we set the text (text and images) back into the editor when it is displayed in the course setting?

So far, I am setting the editor content with the following code in format_xxx::create_edit_form_elements() but it has 2 problems 1) is this really the best way? and 2) it doesn't apply the filter and keep the media url as @@plugin...@@/. I know I can convert them manually with file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls() and format_text() but is this the best way? Din't Moodle thought about a better way already?

$element= $mform->getElement($texteditors);
$element->setValue(['text' => $editorcontent]);

In what callback should we call file_prepare_standard_editor()?
I am calling file_prepare_standard_editor() in format_xxx::create_edit_form_elements(). I couldn't find a specific callback for course creation and course update. I guessed that when the form is created then the files in the editor should be brought to draft file area. Make sense?

In what callback should we call file_postupdate_standard_filemanager()?
I am calling update_course_format_options() in format_xxx::update_course_format_options(). I think this is where it is supposed to be called. Any suggestion?

We are using Moodle 4.1 latest with the Boost theme.

Thank you in advance for your help