Email student

Email student

Miloš Gostović -
Hello all,

I have a proposal that I need to make every student who is enrolled in a course be notified by email something like this "You have been enrolled in a course, you can check it on this link". Is that possible? Can I enable that notification? Is there some workaround? 

回复Miloš Gostović

Re: Email student

Joost Elshoff -
Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Testers的头像
Depending on the version you're using, you could do the following:
- Post a new message on the course Announcements forum --> all enrolled users will receive a notification with the text of your message (works in any version of Moodle, provided you properly set up outgoing email).
- Upload the file as a resource in the course, then tick the Send content change notification at the bottom of the settings page (Moodle 4.2 / 4.3 and up) --> users will receive a generic notification that something changed in the file Resource.