Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

Aki Tsirigotis-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 2

I tried finding the answer on this forum and Google, but I couldn't find the answer.

Anyway, I have 10 small assignments that students must submit worth 25%, meaning that each is worth 2.5 points. In the grade book, it shows each worth 1.00 points but I want to change the maximum grade to 2.5. When I change the maximum grade, I get an error "Invalid grade value. This must be an integer between 1 and 100."

I can't seem to figure it out. I am on Moodle 3.9.

Thanks so much!
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I svar til Aki Tsirigotis

Re: Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

Emma Richardson-mit -
Documentation writers-ip assinga Particularly helpful Moodlers-ip assinga Plugin developers-ip assinga
Change the weight, not the point value.  You haven't told us what grading method your gradebook is set to or what version of Moodle you are using - that will make a lot of difference...
I svar til Emma Richardson

Re: Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

Aki Tsirigotis-mit -
Thank you, Emma, for your response.

I only have the Course total, Simple weighted mean of grades. I have everything adding up. I am also unsure which exact version our institution is using. All I know is that it is 3.9.