Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

por Aki Tsirigotis -
Número de respuestas: 2

I tried finding the answer on this forum and Google, but I couldn't find the answer.

Anyway, I have 10 small assignments that students must submit worth 25%, meaning that each is worth 2.5 points. In the grade book, it shows each worth 1.00 points but I want to change the maximum grade to 2.5. When I change the maximum grade, I get an error "Invalid grade value. This must be an integer between 1 and 100."

I can't seem to figure it out. I am on Moodle 3.9.

Thanks so much!
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En respuesta a Aki Tsirigotis

Re: Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

por Emma Richardson -
Imagen de Documentation writers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers
Change the weight, not the point value.  You haven't told us what grading method your gradebook is set to or what version of Moodle you are using - that will make a lot of difference...
Promedio de valuaciones (ratings):Useful (1)
En respuesta a Emma Richardson

Re: Can't Change Maximum Grade to Decimals

por Aki Tsirigotis -
Thank you, Emma, for your response.

I only have the Course total, Simple weighted mean of grades. I have everything adding up. I am also unsure which exact version our institution is using. All I know is that it is 3.9.