Moodle Mobile App custom menu in app

Moodle Mobile App custom menu in app

gan Shaan Shah -
Number of replies: 0

I have added custom menu via tool_mobile where I want to display list of categories. I have created 3 levels of sub-category (E.g. Subject -> Level -> Course). When user clicks on More Menu -> Categories, it should display all sub-categories and user should be able to navigate through upto individual course.

I have 2 problem/questions in the setup

1) What should I add in custom menu so that when user clicks on the menu, a page should be displayed within app. Currently it is taking me to user browser. 
"Category | | app | en | home"

2) I have checked other forum questions and one of the alternative suggestion was to add this on main Frontpage on moodle site and it should be visible on mobile app as well. This works fine, however the new category page that opens does not have bottom main menu bar visible, the entire screen is occupied by the category page. This creates a navigation overhead as users has to hit back button multiple times to come back to home page (as I have 3 levels of categories). This is case with any course as well, where course content occupies entire screen and if user has to come back to site home, has to hit back button multiple times. How can I make bottom main menu visible all the times using CSS.

Moodle Version: 4.3.0
Moodle Mobile Version: 4.3.0
Moodle Mobile hosted on localhost and testing on Chromium. The same will be hosted as branded app.
Testing currently for Android only
Cyfartaledd sgoriau: -