Adaptable for Moodle 4.3 updated

Adaptable for Moodle 4.3 updated

از Gareth J Barnard در
Number of replies: 0
عکس Core developers عکس Particularly helpful Moodlers عکس Plugin developers


I have released the Adaptable theme for Moodle 4.3 as follows:  Release 403.1.0 for Moodle 4.3 version 2023100900.00 (Build: 20231009) and above within the MOODLE_403_STABLE branch until the next release:


  1. Fix 'Grade report scrolling', ref:
  2. Tidy up header logic in relation to titles.
  3. Navbar and breadcrumb tidy.
  4. Fix 'error: class constructors must be invoked with 'new'' - ref:
  5. Add 'buttontexthovercolor' setting to fix button hovers.
  6. Fix header search icon.
  7. Add 'headerbgimagetextcolour' and 'headertextcolor2' to fix lower header text colours.
  8. Fix position of '#savediscardsection'.
  9. Refactored layouts as a progressional aim towards use of templating to a greater extent.

This release could contain bugs and so I strongly recommend that you check on a test server first!  Not sure how to set one up?  Then look at the 'Installer packages' on Ensure that you have multiple backups of all data before using.  Please report any issues. i.e. 'bugs' with these releases ONLY here.  Before doing so please read 'Reporting issues' on the 'Information' tab on the theme 'Settings' under 'Site administration' -> 'Appearance' -> 'Adaptable'.

Please note that in light of MDLSITE-7418 I have renamed the 'master' branch to 'main' on GitHub for Adaptable and indeed my other plugins.  Thus, if you have a fork, then please update the parent.

If you find this post useful, then please mark it so.

Thank you,


میانگین امتیازات: Useful (1)