Can't Enrol Users?

Can't Enrol Users?

par QuyPhuc Phuc,
Nombre de réponses : 4
Hello everyone,

I'm newbie moodle dev.

When I click the "Enrol users", I got this error. I don't understand where this error comes from. 
I tried installing the stable version 4.3.1 but still get the same error

Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?

Thank you!!

Version: 4.4dev (Build: 20231207)

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En réponse à QuyPhuc Phuc

Re: Can't Enrol Users?

par Gareth J Barnard,
Avatar Core developers Avatar Particularly helpful Moodlers Avatar Plugin developers
I've come across this before too. I believe it was a temporary issue / blip with the core JS code in the M4.4dev version. Try purging the JavaScript caches to ensure that the old code is gone - i.e. that you'd somehow downgraded the same Moodle installation but the cache in the Moodle data folder hasn't been refreshed / browser still thinks it has a valid cached version.
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