How to add/import/rejoin existing videos from BBB server to the moodle database and deleted BBB instance?

How to add/import/rejoin existing videos from BBB server to the moodle database and deleted BBB instance?

Mohammad Reza Zamani གིས-
Number of replies: 1
Hi guys. I have a complex problem. Please help me

I had some recorded sessions in my Moodle and BBB server. Accidentally, my website data lost and I forced to restore my previous backup. In that backup, I don't have my new recordings, but they are existing on my BBB now (var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/meeting_id)

Some of my BBB Instance are available now and have some old video, but not new.
Some of my BBB Instance that was created before, and they don't exist now. Because the backup is for before creating them (Not that their videos are exist on BBB server)

  1. How can I add/import newer video in my existing instance?
  2. How can I add/import/rejoin my server's published videos to a new BBB instance?

དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Mohammad Reza Zamani

Re: How to add/import/rejoin existing videos from BBB server to the moodle database and deleted BBB instance?

Shamiso Jaravaza གིས-
Hi Mohammad Reza Zamani,

The issue is linking the recordings to the correct BBB instances in Moodle.

If the recordings still exist on your BBB server, you would have to find a way to get the matching instanceid, meetingid and recording db values into the correct Moodle BigBlueButtonBN plugin database tables, namely the bigbluebuttonbn and bigbluebuttonbn_recordings tables in order to recreate missing recordings.

However, this would require manipulation of the Moodle DB, which I'm not sure how comfortable you are with that as it could cause even more issues if done incorrectly.