Group Booking limit per group instead of total students

Group Booking limit per group instead of total students

av Stefanos Karasavvidis -
Antal svar: 0
This issue has been raised in the past (e.g. from 2014!) and I find myself and my colleagues still confronted with it every year.

The problem is that when I want a schedule in groups, and my groups have for example up to 5 students, and a group with only 3 students makes a booking, the scheduler allows to book the same slot with a group of 2 students.

Our scenario is that we make an oral exam for group of students and we can handle only one group at a time.

The solution would be to restrict the "maximum number of groups" and not "maximum number of students".

I understand from the thread from 2014 (see link above) that this was considered for implementation, but as far as I can tell this never made it into the plugin.

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