Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Lionel Asshauer -
Número de respostas: 7
After updating to Moodle 4.2.2 we've been facing an issue in the mobile app. Our activity icons turned into white boxes. When I stay on them a bit longer and drag, I can actually see a very small icon (see red outline on screenshot).
The icon there seems to be taken from the custom theme we are using (Space by roseathemes). So I assume it might have something to do with our theme.
Even when I force my personal account to use Boost it didn't help. Unfortunately, I can't switch the whole site to see what will happen.

Did anyone have the same problem or an idea for a workaround?

iOS 17, app 4.2.0 - same in Android

Thank you!
Anexo app_white_icons.png
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Em resposta à Lionel Asshauer

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Pau Ferrer Ocaña -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Moodle HQ Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers
Hi Lionel!

Thanks for your comments, I'm currently investigating what's going on here. I think the app cannot check if the icons are shapes or not.
If you can give me more information, ie, send me the pix_plugins icons to my email it will help to solve triaging this issue.

Also it would be great if you can send me the url of one image icon being shown on the course (you can use the web versions for that).

Em resposta à Pau Ferrer Ocaña

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Lionel Asshauer -
Hi Paul,
I'm not sure how to get to the pix_plugins icons, could you run me through the required steps? I would expect the app to simply use the standard moodle icons - I do not want it to use the ones from the custom theme.

I will try to get the web version running on my system (had some issues in the past), to get to the link.

Thank you!
Em resposta à Lionel Asshauer

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Pau Ferrer Ocaña -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Moodle HQ Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers

I have good news, I've managed to improve our code, but I need some testing to confirm them. And also, I won't need the pix_plugins.

The app is only using the standard icons on free plans, so if you pay for a subscription web icons will be shown. In any case, the main info I need from you now is some examples of icon urls shown in the course, for example: and the type of activity: in this case: url. Another example:, url as well.

Em resposta à Pau Ferrer Ocaña

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Pau Ferrer Ocaña -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Moodle HQ Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers
Sorry for the mess... I found a way to test your theme directly.

I don't know why, the icon url has ?filtericon=1 and this is a problem because the app will detect the icon filtering by this URL parameter, you can request the theme creators this change.

It would be great if you could check the theme folder, open the pix_plugins folder and check if inside all folders the icons are named icon.png or monologo.png or svg.

On the meantime, you can use Remote Themes to fix this issue by adding the following CSS. Check this guide to know more about that.
html core-mod-icon {
    --filter: none !important;
    --module-icon-filter: none;
    --module-icon-padding: 0px !important;
    --module-icon-size: 32px;
    background-color: transparent !important;

This workaround is only available for subscriptors of the app. But also if you're facing this problem I think you are a subscriptor now.

We will release app 4.3 soon with some improvements on this area but I think this is not going to be solved since it seems a theme issue.



Em resposta à Pau Ferrer Ocaña

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Lionel Asshauer -
Hi Pau,

Thank you so much for the help!
The custom CSS fixed our problem sorriso
I will contact the theme developer to find out if they can create a permanent fix.

Em resposta à Lionel Asshauer

Re: Activity Icons Bug after update to Moodle 4

por Pau Ferrer Ocaña -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Moodle HQ Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers
That's great news!!

We're looking for a solution for everybody, checking what we can do. After checking it, I don't think the theme creator could do nothing about it right now. But I'll reach you again once I have more information.
