Document conversion tasks taking days

Document conversion tasks taking days

de către Gabor Acs-
Număr de răspunsuri: 0
We are using the the Onedrive document converter for years now without major issues, but after we upgraded to 4.2 (and the task is changed from a scheduled one to adhoc) we have some trouble with it.

There are some docx conversion which takes forever, cluttering the queue.
Most of them have tables inserted in them (yesterday 8 tasks started, and 1 finished in a day...) Killing the processes manually is really not a good solution, temporarily I made the number of concurrent adhoc tasks higher to enable the normal cron processes to run...

My questions are:
Why task_adhoc_max_runtime is not respected by the task? I would assume that no task should run longer than this time.
Is there a way to enforce it to work properly (so the system just drops these tasks and give up on them?)

Thanks in advance if you have any info regarding this issue!

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