Same verification code on both pages

Same verification code on both pages

بواسطة - Alfredo González
عدد الردود: 1
Good afternoon,

I am creating a two-page certificate, on page 1 I am adding the verification code, and I need it to also be displayed on page 2, but when adding the field on the second page, it generates a different code than the one on the page 1. Could I get the same verification code on both pages?

Thanks for your help.
Moodle 4.1 Customcert 4.1.1
متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على Alfredo González

Re: Same verification code on both pages

بواسطة - Leon Stringer
صورة Core developers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers
I tested this and for me it only shows different codes when previewing the certificate. When a certificate is actually awarded the codes are the same on both pages.