\assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

\assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Jeff Rader -
Number of replies: 5
وێنەی Plugin developers
I had a large influx of file submissions that tried to get converted that can't seem to finish (365 to be more specific).  I've changed the specific assignment to not do pdf conversion, but the tasks are still in the queue.  They keep running in the queue over and ever every few seconds.  I don't get failure notices, but I can't seem to figure out how to get them out except to just manually delete them out of the mdl_task_adhoc table, but that seems like a BAD idea.

Any help?  I think these are making the rest of the server run slow as well.
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In reply to Jeff Rader

Re: \assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Jeff Rader -
وێنەی Plugin developers
I have gone in and deleted the submitted files from the assignments that were hung up in the mdl_task_adhoc queue. It seems like the majority were caused by the server being bogged down when a large number of files were submitted. Unfortunately, annotatePDF was the on by default for all assignments. I'll fix that. But also in the queue were some previous files that seem to have just gotten hung a loop. One file is from 4 months ago. I've removed the submissions and resubmitted and they convert fine, so it isn't a problem with the files themselves.

Do I need to write this up as a trouble ticket or am I missing something here?
In reply to Jeff Rader

Re: \assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Jeff Rader -
وێنەی Plugin developers
Correction. ALL of the file were submitted about the same time. When this first happened, the server was just hung in a loop and the conversion had sucked up all of the memory in the system, so we had to kill it. I'm assuming all of these files then just got stuck in the queue.
In reply to Jeff Rader

Re: \assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Ken Task -
وێنەی Particularly helpful Moodlers
Uhhh ... Moodle HQ dosn't have a 'ticket system', but does have a Tracker.

Quite a few folks are having issues with doc conversion to pdf for feedback.

Might begin with looking into those assignments and what is being required of students to submit.   Mimetype issues?  How are you handling document conversions to PDF's?

mdl_task_adhoc table is the right table ... on a busy site, you'd have to be kinda selective concerning rows to remove.

'SoS', Ken
In reply to Ken Task

Re: \assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Jeff Rader -
وێنەی Plugin developers
Yes, a tracker, not a ticket. Thanks.

It is primarily Word documents that failed, but some rtf's as well. Some were images though and those shouldn't have been there. I'm using Unoconv to do the conversions. While there must've been a problem with one of the conversions, in an effort to get the site working, I've already lost what the first one would've been.

Now, I'm more concerned with the adhoc_tasks not getting cleared out. Until I got this fixed, cron was running through all 300 records every couple of minutes. That's a lot of extra queries going through the database for no reason. I looked back and the volume was about 3 times as much as prior to the problem. Most of them were cache_hits, but it was still bogging things down.

I've gotten most of the assignment submissions removed and replaced, but I have 6 that the option for removing submission isn't there. I can't tell what setting for the assignment is keeping me from removing a submission.
In reply to Jeff Rader

Re: \assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submission stuck in the adhoc task queue

لە لایەن Gregor McNish -
وێنەی Particularly helpful Moodlers
adhoc tasks that fail wait longer before next try (up to a couple of days, then they get deleted).

What server are you on and what pdf conversion do you use? I logged a ticket about ghostscript on windows https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-76966