Course Completion

Course Completion

Ashwini Borole གིས-
Number of replies: 1
Hello Experts!

Hope you all are doing great! 

I am using moodle 4.1. Due to some changes required to mark course completion, I had to Unlock the existing course completion settings. 
Now after making correction, course is not marked as completed for the existing students who have already completed the required activities. It is marked if some new student completes the activities but not for existing students.

Is there any option like cron jobs which can make this happen? 

Thank you in Advanced.
དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -
In reply to Ashwini Borole

Re: Course Completion

Helen Foster གིས-
Core developers གི་པར Documentation writers གི་པར Moodle HQ གི་པར Particularly helpful Moodlers གི་པར Plugin developers གི་པར Testers གི་པར Translators གི་པར


There is a scheduled task 'Calculate regular completion data'. Also, please note that if manual completion of an activity is a course completion requirement, students will again need to indicate that they have completed the activity. (Source: Course completion FAQ)