Give credit for a course (complete it) when another is already completed

Give credit for a course (complete it) when another is already completed

por Cassie Z -
Número de respostas: 0
Hi all!

We have a course catalog structure where we offer more basic courses and more advanced courses in the same subject, but users can enroll in the more advanced courses without taking the basic ones first.

If a student completes a more advanced course, we want the advanced course to automatically complete the more basic course if/when the student enrolls in it.

In the basic course, we thought that if the Course Completion setting  "Condition: Completion of other courses" had the advanced course selected and the student was completed in the advanced course, that it would then complete the basic course when the student enrolled, but it did not...

If the Course Completion setting cannot accomplish this, are you aware of a plugin that could accomplish this?  (We searched, and "Subcourse" plugin seemed to come the closest...?)

We welcome any advice!

Thank you very much!

Anexo Moodle_forum_post_re_course_completion_based_on_other_course_completion.png