A question bank interface similar to a file manager

A question bank interface similar to a file manager

د Matteo Candita لخوا -
د ځوابونو شمیر: 0

Hello everyone,

This is my first post here. I don't know if it has already been discussed, but I've tried searching and didn't find anything about it. I have been using Moodle since 2018 and I'm now the admin for my school. I have been tweaking and customizing it for the last 2 years. I think Moodle 4 has been a huge improvement in terms of UX, but I find the question bank, as it is, to be quite clumsy.

In my opinion, an interface more similar to a file manager would be much better for navigation. Categories could function as "folders" and questions as "files." With this setup, it would be easier to navigate between questions. It would be wonderful if drag and drop functionality could be added to copy and move questions (and perhaps even share them more easily, although this could be tricky).

I have no idea about the feasibility of this option or if the data structure would be compatible. Has this already been discussed? Would it be a core feature or could it be implemented via a plugin?

I am aware that there are plans to work on the question bank in the next Moodle version, but I don't have much information about their specific plans.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Regards, Matteo

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