Custom certificate not picking completion or issue date

Custom certificate not picking completion or issue date

per Rudraksh Batra -
Nombre de respostes: 3

I am using custom certificate however after downloading it is not picking the completion date, but if i Select activities in date the it shows date, cron is working, what else could be the reason.



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En resposta a Rudraksh Batra

Re: Custom certificate not picking completion or issue date

per Emma Richardson -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers
You don't have course completion set up?
En resposta a Emma Richardson

Re: Custom certificate not picking completion or issue date

per Rudraksh Batra -
Yes it is there
En resposta a Rudraksh Batra

Re: Custom certificate not picking completion or issue date

per Emma Richardson -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers
If you can show us screenshots of your edit certificate page and your course completion page, that might help. Also, does the student in questions show as having completed the course?