Cannot login with SingPass using OIDC Plugin for Moodle

Cannot login with SingPass using OIDC Plugin for Moodle

- Singaravelan K の投稿
返信数: 0

Cannot login after SingPass  QR code scanning using OIDC Plugin for Moodle:

line 49 of /auth/oidc/classes/utils.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 290 of /auth/oidc/classes/oidcclient.php: call to auth_oidc\utils::process_json_response()
line 219 of /auth/oidc/classes/loginflow/authcode.php: call to auth_oidc\oidcclient->tokenrequest()
line 118 of /auth/oidc/classes/loginflow/authcode.php: call to auth_oidc\loginflow\authcode->handleauthresponse()
line 168 of /auth/oidc/auth.php: call to auth_oidc\loginflow\authcode->handleredirect()
line 31 of /auth/oidc/index.php: call to auth_plugin_oidc->handleredirect()

添付 img1.PNG
添付 img2.PNG