Course copy not working after site migration

Course copy not working after site migration

Sakib Hasan - келді
Number of replies: 2


- Migrated site from local server following this doc:
- Done Search and replace URL from  {}/admin/tool/replace/
- Done Purge all caches from {}/admin/purgecaches.php

Now when I go to copy a course it's showing:
Error code: error_opening_file
$a contents: C:\wamp64\moodledata/temp/backup//ef9fcc205a79d1010d3831f9525f4e27.log
* line 71 of /backup/util/loggers/file_logger.class.php: base_logger_exception thrown
* line ? of unknownfile: call to file_logger->__wakeup()
* line 97 of /backup/util/dbops/restore_controller_dbops.class.php: call to unserialize()
* line 499 of /backup/controller/restore_controller.class.php: call to restore_controller_dbops::load_controller()
* line 244 of /backup/util/helper/copy_helper.class.php: call to restore_controller::load_controller()
* line ? of unknownfile: call to copy_helper::{closure}()
* line 247 of /backup/util/helper/copy_helper.class.php: call to array_map()
* line 143 of /backup/util/helper/copy_helper.class.php: call to copy_helper::map_backupids_to_restore_controller()
* line 75 of /backup/util/ui/classes/output/copy_form.php: call to copy_helper::get_copies()
* line 214 of /lib/formslib.php: call to core_backup\output\copy_form->definition()
* line 5004 of /course/lib.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
* line 8074 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to course_output_fragment_new_base_form()
* line 423 of /lib/external/externallib.php: call to component_callback()
* line 261 of /lib/externallib.php: call to core_external::get_fragment()
* line 81 of /lib/ajax/service.php: call to external_api::call_external_function()

Would you please help me to solve this error?

In reply to Sakib Hasan

Re: Course copy not working after site migration

Gareth J Barnard - келді
Core developers қатысушының суреті Particularly helpful Moodlers қатысушының суреті Plugin developers қатысушының суреті