left nav-dreawer lost in 4.0

Re: left nav-dreawer lost in 4.0

de Luisa Betancurt -
Número de respuestas: 0
Hi Dominique,

Thanks for your answer.
I've just tried commenting not only the 170 line in my, but also on the others warnings. Just in /lib/navigationlib.php the IF is longer. Do you think that I can comment this last one without affecting the code?

Even thought I am not sure if this is the solution, I don't have those notices anymore. Sonrisa

/* if ($this->page->user_allowed_editing() && !$this->page->theme->haseditswitch) {

// Add the turn on/off settings
$url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id'=>$course->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
if ($this->page->user_is_editing()) {
$url->param('edit', 'off');
$editstring = get_string('turneditingoff');
} else {
$url->param('edit', 'on');
$editstring = get_string('turneditingon');
$frontpage->add($editstring, $url, self::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/edit', ''));

And about left navigation menu, probably you are right because I can see it in courses. So that means that should I move all my old customs nodes to the secondary and tertiary navigation ? Thought that I would have the left menu in moodle 4.0

Thank you again Dominique Sonrisa