HTML 5 Files

HTML 5 Files

Napisane przez: Peter Wright ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Dear All thank you for your time

I am trying to load a HTML simulation for aircraft training into Moodle,

I have uploaded the zip file , extracted the HTML 5 file ,JavaScript file and Images folder.

I selected the HTML 5 as the main file , but when I  view in the course all I see is a blue screen

It appears  like the HTML cant view the Images or JavaScript files.

The Animation works perfectly online on my website with no 

logged errors' there is no problems there.

A also tried to load the files into Hp5 module but it will not accept zip files.

I am using the latest Moodle version just loaded two days ago.

Can I load a full HTML 5 package into Moodle?

Thank you all 
