Logged in but want to view pages

Logged in but want to view pages

por Stephanie D'Silva -
Número de respuestas: 3

I've searched the forum and read many answers regarding a user already logged in and wanting to look at other pages without enrolling into the course, but it doesnt look easy.

Is there a way to bypass that page on certain pages that should be accessed by everyone? Someone gave a line of code to put in the link, but I don't know where that link is!

What I'm after works with the enrolment key and allowing guest access by pressing the guest button, but that shouldn't have to happen to look at the Library's page!! It's a page, much like the main page, that needs to be seen by everyone, once logged in.

If anyone has suggestions, please help!

Thanks in advance!
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En respuesta a Stephanie D'Silva

Re: Logged in but want to view pages

por Steve Hyndman -

What you are asking for is a much needed feature that has been discussed before, but to my knowledge, there has been no workable solution. See the thread at the link below for a discussion on this topic....see my post in this thread for examples of how adding the line of code solves one problem, but causes another.

There is a real need for a solution to this problem.


En respuesta a Steve Hyndman

Re: Logged in but want to view pages

por Stephanie D'Silva -

I have actually read that post and &confirm=1 is the piece of code i was talking about.

I used it but it and it does bypass the enrolment screen but adds the course to My Courses.

We might just have to go with Enrolment Keys til the facility is available.


En respuesta a Stephanie D'Silva

Re: Logged in but want to view pages

por Eduardo Domínguez Vázquez -
Hi Estephanie,

If you only need to access a file (html, gif, pdf...) without any control or log from moodle you can do the following steps:

- Your site is www.yoursite.com parpadeo
- Choose a "public" directory inside the course (in fact inside any course). This directory can be created by the teacher:


- Define a VirtualHost (xyz.yoursite.com) whose DocumentRoot is:

- Define a ProxyPass (and/or ProxyPassReverse) to change the following URL:

www.yoursite.com/public/course1/ to

or something generic as:

www.yoursite.com/public/* to

- You must configure apache to not to send the new URL to the browser, so the browser beleaves It's still in www.yoursite.com

So, if the teacher uploads the file "test.hml" in the following directory:


he has to add a link (in a moodle page or anywere) to point to:


The apache server will do the rest of the job sonrisa

I know I'm not concise and there should be a better way to do this, but I don't like to add/modify php code that need to be maintained later or linked to a moodle version.

Hope this help.
