Installation Package for OS X Error

Installation Package for OS X Error

by Hakan Tilgel -
Number of replies: 4

Hello all,

Just installed Moodle4Mac.dmg on macos (M1 chip) and getting this message. 

Any ideas how to fix it?


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In reply to Hakan Tilgel

Re: Installation Package for OS X Error

by Ken Task -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

Sounds like an issue with Mac's Gatekeeper which won't allow apps to launch because they are not registered with Apple.

Google for how to disable Gatekeeper on M1

Should get a hit and more than one page/link describing how to.

Truth in sharing ... don't have an M1 Mac, but have had to do above for VirtualBox.

'SoS', Ken

Average of ratings;Useful (1)
In reply to Ken Task

Re: Installation Package for OS X Error

by Hakan Tilgel -
Thank you Ken. I already did that and nothing has changed.
BTW, the server seems to be working as localhost:8888/MAMP opens, however, localhost:8888/moodle40 does not.

In reply to Hakan Tilgel

Re: Installation Package for OS X Error

by Ken Task -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

MAMP opens ... does that mean it browser shows directories?

Got File Sharing via http turned on?   Turn it off!

'SoS', Ken

In reply to Ken Task

Re: Installation Package for OS X Error

by Hakan Tilgel -

Hi Ken,

By MAMP, I mean this:

As for file sharing, I just checked System Preferences > Sharing, and this is the screen where I see no file sharing allowed.