Extend the signup form / reorder elements in the form

Extend the signup form / reorder elements in the form

av Pedro Garcia -
Antal svar: 1


 I have extended the sign up form with a local plugin that contains a function where I am adding an element in the core sign up form with with  $mform->addElement() function from moodle quickform API.

in that function I have:

function local_custom_registration_extend_signup_form($mform) {
                $mform->addElement($field['element_type'], $field_name, get_string($field_name, 'local_custom_registration'), $field['values']);

the thing is this plugin works with auth_email core plugin too. I have activated the recaptcha in this auth_email plugin.
So, if I understand correctly, 

The problem is that recapcha closes the header/fieldset element before the language can be added to it and language looks is horrible when the recatpcha in in the form.

So we need to have it as the second pic rather as the one

Any suggestion? Can I reorder/sort elements in a form?



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