Getting Rubrics Using Web Services

Getting Rubrics Using Web Services

par Carlos G,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Hello , any one have tried to get rubric assessments/grades of students using the  Api Rest?

There was an old  post but without reply (

The call should be something like this:
It has four parameters:
component: (Required)  --> (Which are the possible values besides mod_assign)
contextid (Required) -->(No idea , have tried several values obtained from debugging)
itemname (Required)-->( This is the parameter that generate the exception)
gradeduserid  (Required)

{"exception":"coding_exception","errorcode":"codingerror","message":"Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Unknown gradeitem for component mod_assign\\grades\\_gradeitem"}

The possible list of itemname matching the selected component (mod_assign) is validaded using this class call:
obtaining the following array:
array (size=1)
  0 =>  'submissions' (length=11)

Api rest error
Any idea?

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