Grade Locking / Grade Freezing

Re: Grade Locking / Grade Freezing

por Przemek Kaszubski -
Número de respostas: 0
And why would you not just duplicate the course after each semester..? And put the next 100 users there? You'd keep discrete histories of the grading without all that hassle? Past courses you'd just hide from students, and voila ?
That's probably what I would do.

Displaying course grades to students who are suspended or unenrolled is probably impossible. I think what you can do is hide all the course sections for such past courses, but keeping the final course grade viewable for students - then they'd see it also in on their "Grades overview" page ("Grades" link in their user menu, also "Grades overview" in their profiles.)

Maybe there are some workarounds i don't know or remember sorriso  . I hope some of these thoughts above can help.
Média das avaliações: Useful (1)