Strange behaviour with Edumy theme

Strange behaviour with Edumy theme

por Leandro Roggerone -
Número de respuestas: 2

Hi dear comunity.
Im trying to fix some minor issues with my moddle parearence using Edumy theme.
This is the problem:

1 When accessing to platform (without login session) you get 2 messages:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /bitnami/moodle/blocks/cocoon_parallax_apps/block_cocoon_parallax_apps.php on line 107
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$username in /bitnami/moodle/theme/edumy/ccn/ccn_themehandler.php on line 457

After that theer is a big white space ,witch behaves as  a paralax efect.

2 After login there is only one message:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /bitnami/moodle/blocks/cocoon_parallax_apps/block_cocoon_parallax_apps.php on line 107

But in both cases the big white area is there , so I need to scroll down to get the page content.
I have been reading and following the code and using my chrome console as well , but can not identify how to change it.
Im also looking for in  aparience configuracion (among others )  sections at admin panel but can not change it.
I need to either fix the paralax view or complete remove it.
So ...
Do you think it is something I can manage analizing/changing  the code or ...
It is something that I should manage form admin panel ?
Is there any place to ask for support ? (besides cocoon site).

Promedio de valuaciones (ratings): -
En respuesta a Leandro Roggerone

Re: Strange behaviour with Edumy theme

por Ken Task -
Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers

Just so you have some sort of responses before the new year ...

"Do you think it is something I can manage analizing/changing  the code ..."

Core code hacking never advised.  But, code is free for you to do what you please ... just know what you are doing.

"It is something that I should manage form admin panel"

Do you mean the Moodle System Admin panel? or some other?   Don't think the Moodle admin panel offers a way to edit code.   Can do css, but that brings next point:

Edumy theme is commercial.   And from what I could find that block (cocoon_parallax_apps) is something additional offered in conjunction with the commercal theme.

Then there is 'bitnami' ... an AMP stack that's 'one off' from typical AMP stack that probably most users in these forums run.

So ... finally ... the last question:

Is there any place to ask for support ? (besides cocoon site).

Well, you did begin with your posting here, but not sure that there would be many in these forums that could tell you for sure.    So am gonna suggest that the cocoon site support is perhaps your best bet! sonrisa

'SoS', Ken

Promedio de valuaciones (ratings):Useful (2)
En respuesta a Leandro Roggerone

Re: Strange behaviour with Edumy theme

por Michael Milette -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Documentation writers Imagen de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers Imagen de Translators
Hi Leandro,

I have used the Edumy theme on a project for one of my clients and it worked well for the most part. I did encounter about a dozen bugs which I have since reported to Cocoon, however the issue you are describing was not among them.

I did not install the sample Edumy data from Cocoon. Did you? If so, this may be contributing to your problem. I usually only chance installing sample data in a sandbox instance of Moodle. Unfortunately there is no easy way to undo this unless you can restore from a site backup.

If this paralax plugin is preventing you from using the site, here are a few things you can try:
  • Try renaming the cocoon_parallax_apps directory to cocoon_parallax_apps.old . Moodle will no longer find the plugin and it should work again enough for you to navigate in Moodle.
  • Try going directly to the URL of the Site Administration page instead of the home page or dashboard as I suspect this issue may only a problem on some pages where the block is installed.
  • Try switching back to the Boost theme temporarily.
Sometimes one of there temporary workarounds can be enough to allow you to get back into Moodle and work things out.

As for support, there are 4 places to get it:
  1. Do it yourself. Of course this is only feasible if you have the skills to do it yourself.
  2. Here in the discussion forums. However, because we are talking about a premium theme and plugins, support can be very limited as people cannot generally go download the theme and try it out to reproduce the problem without paying for it. This level of support is free and provided by volunteers.
  3. From the developer of the plugin. Premium themes usually come with limited support so you should be able to get help from Cocoon as it is included in the price you paid. That said, your level of satisfaction may vary depending on the vendor. Cocoon has a team of developers who work on multiple projects and PHP-based platforms like Drupal and Joomla too, not just Moodle. If you are not getting anywhere with their email support, try to follow up with them through their live chat option which is typically reserved for pre-sales but may get you a little further.
  4. From independant developers like me. It is aweful to pay for a premium theme/plugin, which is supposed to include support, and then end up having to pay someone else for support. I feel your pain but sometimes that is the only way to move forward. While I cannot speak for others, I can tell you that I charge client by the hour for support and development in Moodle LMS to resolve issues like this. This option is the only sure way to get your issues resolved and do so in a timely manor.

Of course you could always switch to a different theme however, you will still need to clean up the sample data and Edumy plugins that are not compatible.

Try to avoid situations like this in the future. I recommend that you install a separate instance of Moodle, perhaps on your computer. Use this as a sandbox to try themes and plugins out before you put it on your live site. That way, if something goes wrong, at worse, you just delete the site and start over again or restore it from a backup.

Either way, regularly making restorable full backups of your Moodle site is a best practice, especially whenever you are about to make any code changes. For most reliable results, this backup should include the Moodle application files and folders and 3rd party plugins, the moodledata directory and its contents, as well as a backup of your database. These should be done while Moodle is in Offline mode.

I know this isn't then answer you were hoping for but I hope you still find it useful.

Best regards,

Michael Milette

Promedio de valuaciones (ratings):Useful (2)