Airnotifier Setup for Mobile Notification

Airnotifier Setup for Mobile Notification

Amira Elsayed發表於
Number of replies: 1


I have followed Airnotifier documentation and installed it on my machine, then I configured my moodle website to use my airnotifier server 

when I first test, I could see that the mobile received two notifications only, then it stop working 

I tried to make another demo moodle website and create new access key and try to test, I did not receive any notification 

I have start debugging and make sure that Broadcast message from Airnotifier received by all my devices, also when I use postman and call the API of my airnotifier it work also 

but moodle notifications is not received 

I tried to add site announcement, add forum to course, add assignment and none of them sent to airnotifeir 

can anyone help please?

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In reply to Amira Elsayed

Re: Airnotifier Setup for Mobile Notification

Charlie Villa發表於
It appears that there are outdated elements on these platforms. Therefore, certain modifications need to be made to the Moodle code, the application and the notification server.