Cannot figure out the filters completely

Cannot figure out the filters completely

Maxime Barbeaudən -
Number of replies: 0

Hello Moodlers,

I am trying to make the association between

  • The filter chosen in the Filters tab
  • What is displayed in the fitter drop box
  • What value replaces the %%FILTER_ keyword in my SQL query.

I cannot find a clear examples that shows how to use the filters.

So far, figured out the following when

    Filters tab = System User (id)

    SQL= SELECT * from prefix_user AS c WHERE 1

Will produce a filter dropbox with user.firstname and user.lastlame in the View report tab.

The information is probably taken from this query

    SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM prefix_user 


    firstname and lastname are displayed in the drop box

    The value (${id_value}) replaces the %%FILTER_SYSTEMUSER keyword in my query

    And my query becomes SQL= SELECT * from prefix_course AS c WHERE 1 AND ${id_value}=


The Categories and Course filters have a similar pattern.

But what is the difference between filter course user (id), System user (id) and Ernolled students?

What about Search text, User field filter and User field search box…?

I am completely lost…

Any suggestion/hint?

1000 thanks.


Moodle 3.8.2 PHP 7.6 running on Win2019Srv, IIS10, SQL Server 2019

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