Cannot select multiple options when editing form

Cannot select multiple options when editing form

de Daryl Batchelor -
Número de respuestas: 2

If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated!  I have created an autocomplete form element like so:

$selected_options = array( '544', '717')
$multiselect = $mform->addElement('course', 'courses_array', get_string('certificate_courseSection','mod_certification'), $courselist, $options);
I am attempting to auto populate the selected element in the form utilising an array of values comprised of selected course ids like so.

$selected_options = array( '544', '717')

However when I attempt to select multiple default values I cannot do it.

I have tried

instead and also
$mform->setDefault('courses_array', $selected_options)
but it does not work.

The only way I can get it to work is if I remove


so it only displays a single choice and use


- however this only displays the last element in the $selected_options array when I require it to display multiple elements.

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En respuesta a Daryl Batchelor

Re: Cannot select multiple options when editing form

de Marcus Green -
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This might help explore the possibilities.
En respuesta a Marcus Green

Re: Cannot select multiple options when editing form

de Daryl Batchelor -
Thanks Marcus,

this helped in finding the issue.

The problem was the second parameter I used for the addElement function "courses_array". For some reason using a string parameter with an underscore caused the error??? simply changing it to "coursesarray" solved this... not sure why, but it is working now.

CHANGED THIS: $multiselect = $mform->addElement('course', 'courses_array', get_string('certificate_courseSection','mod_certification'), $courselist, $options);
TO THIS: $multiselect = $mform->addElement('course', 'coursesarray', get_string('certificate_courseSection','mod_certification'), $courselist, $options);