Using cross platform sql in $DB->get_record_sql

Using cross platform sql in $DB->get_record_sql

deur Luis de Vasconcelos -
Getal antwoorde: 2
Prentjie van Particularly helpful Moodlers
I'm upgrading an old Moodle plugin that was originally written for a Moodle 2.0 site and runs on a MS SQL Server 2016 database using the SQLSRV PHP driver.

One particular piece of code has me stumped:

$partyid = '123987';
$user_details = $DB->get_record_sql("
                SELECT * FROM mdl_user WHERE id = (SELECT TOP 1 userid FROM mdl_user_info_data
                JOIN mdl_user_info_field ON
                WHERE SUBSTRING(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HashBytes('MD5',CONVERT(varchar,data))), 3, 32) = '$partyid' AND shortname = 'partyid')

The Moodle site has a custom profile field called "partyid" and the above code does a SELECT * query on the mdl_user table where the "partyid" custom profile field has a certain value. "partyid" is passed to Moodle as a MD5 hash of a short numeric number, 123987 in the above code.

The issue is that the WHERE part of the sub query uses SQL Server specific code, specifically the master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr() and HashBytes() functions. How can the above code be written so that it works on all database platforms supported by Moodle?

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In antwoord op Luis de Vasconcelos

Re: Using cross platform sql in $DB->get_record_sql

deur Tim Hunt -
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Without really thinking about it, probably change

TOP 1 userid



Probably should also change it to use placeholders to put the values in the query, rather than string concatenation.
Gemiddeld van beoordelings:Useful (1)
In antwoord op Luis de Vasconcelos

Re: Using cross platform sql in $DB->get_record_sql

deur Mark Sharp -
Prentjie van Core developers Prentjie van Particularly helpful Moodlers Prentjie van Plugin developers
I'm also not familiar with SQL Server, but it looks like you're converting the data value into a substr of a hash in the query. I'd do that outside the query using PHP, perhaps something like:

$partyid = '123987';
$hashedpartyid = substr(md5($partyid), 3, 32);
$user_details = $DB->get_record_sql("
                SELECT * FROM mdl_user WHERE id = (SELECT TOP 1 userid FROM mdl_user_info_data
                JOIN mdl_user_info_field ON                WHERE data = :hashedpartyid AND shortname = 'partyid')", ["hashedpartyid" => $hashedpartyid]);

Gemiddeld van beoordelings:Useful (2)