Teams Meeting (Atto ::: atto_teamsmeeting)

Teams Meeting (Atto ::: atto_teamsmeeting)

از Ricardo Caiado در
Number of replies: 0
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers

Trying to update "atto_teamsmeeting" to version "v1.2.3 (2020032703)" but got this error message:

"Installing available updates

Debugging output enabled
Downloading atto_teamsmeeting ...
-> /www/moodledata/temp/core_plugin/code_manager/distfiles/ ... OK
Validating atto_teamsmeeting ...


More information about this error

Debug info: Unknown error during zip extraction (file not created).
Error code: corrupted_archive_structure
$a contents: teamsmeeting/patch/PHP7.3_cross_domain_cookies_allowed.patch

Stack trace:

line 544 of /lib/classes/update/code_manager.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 195 of /lib/classes/update/code_manager.php: call to core\update\code_manager->move_extracted_plugin_files()
line 1163 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to core\update\code_manager->unzip_plugin_file()
line 1351 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to core_plugin_manager->unzip_plugin_file()
line 2564 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to core_plugin_manager->install_plugins()
line 196 of /admin/plugins.php: call to upgrade_install_plugins()"

PHP 7.4
PostgreSQL 12
Ubuntu 20-.04
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