When Should 'Force Completed' Be Used

When Should 'Force Completed' Be Used

Jackie Toth發表於
Number of replies: 1

Using Moodle 3.10.  Trying to troubleshoot ongoing SCORM completion issues.  When should 'Force Completed' be used?

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In reply to Jackie Toth

Re: When Should 'Force Completed' Be Used

Mathew Gancarz發表於
Core developers的相片
We haven't used this option much but from what I understand of it, it will mark a SCORM as complete as soon as an attempt is started, no matter what the learner did inside of it.

Most of the issues we've ran into with SCORM completion tracking not showing up properly was due to the module not always reporting status properly to Moodle. We used the "Auto commit" option to help make sure the package communicates at least once every 60 seconds. From https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/SCORM_settings#Compatibility_settings:

Force completed
If this is enabled then the status of the current attempt is set to "complete". Note that this only applies to SCORM 1.2 packages and is useful if the SCORM package does not handle revisiting an attempt correctly, in review or browse mode, or otherwise incorrectly issues the completion status.

Auto commit
Some SCORM packages don't explicitly call Commit() regularly for whatever reason so progress is not stored in the database. This patch will Commit() the data from the SCORM package 60 seconds after the values are set, unless the package Commit()s sooner.
評比平均分數:Useful (1)