Boost site header CSS customization?

Re: Boost site header CSS customization?

ໂດຍ Raymond C -
ຈຳນວນການຕອບກັບ: 1
Replying to myself in case anyone is interested.

- Managed to widen the navbar with py in the navbar.mustache file.
- Removed the shadow, but the effect wasn't very good so I replaced it.
- Removed navdrawer
- Removed hamburger menu
- Temporarily added Admin menu link to an HTML block - will investigate adding it to the navbar along with editing as some themes have done already

- Remove name and down arrow from beside profile picture
- Play with px so navbar content better lines up with the page content

If anyone has tips on either of these, I'd be happy to hear how to accomplish either.
ການຈັດອັນດັບສະເລ່ຍ: -
ໃນການຕອບກັບຫາ Raymond C

Re: Boost site header CSS customization?

ໂດຍ Raymond C -
Continuing... does anyone know how to add the following to boost?

- display a full width image header in courses
- Move site admin and add a block options to better places (not sure how to call the add a block function as it shows "sesskey" or something along those lines that seems randomized...)
- display all courses (course archive?) as cards instead of basic list

- Managed to widen the navbar with py in the navbar.mustache file.
- Removed the shadow, but the effect wasn't very good so I replaced it.
- Removed navdrawer
- Removed hamburger menu
- Removed section and activity navigation buttons and jump-to (need more intuitive way to navigate given the current look, not sure what though)
- Temporarily added Admin menu link to an HTML block - will investigate adding it to the navbar along with editing as some themes have done already
- Remove name and down arrow from beside profile picture, display only avatar
- Play with px so navbar content better lines up with the page content

Added plugins:
- course module navigation
- completion progress
- social comments
ການຈັດອັນດັບສະເລ່ຍ: -