accessing moodle through moodle app on a localhost

accessing moodle through moodle app on a localhost

by moe alfayfi -
Number of replies: 1


My question is how can I access my moodle which was installed on a localhost by using the moodle app on a smart phone? I have edited the config file so I can access it from the tablet by using a browser but when I use the app it will not connect.

another question if you do not mind, I have several scorm files built by iSpring when I add it to a course and the student access it from a mobile browser, it is not easy to see, meaning they have to scroll up and down to answer and when I tried changing the resolution still it is feasible. Is there a way a round it or is there some kind of a plugin that makes the scorm files open in a popup window for example that fits the screen?

Thank you in advance.

In reply to moe alfayfi

Re: accessing moodle through moodle app on a localhost

by Noel De Martin -
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Hi there,

I suppose you want to access a site in localhost for development, right? I would suggest that you use something like ngrok, it will save you a lot of headaches.

The way I do it, once you have ngrok installed run the ngrok http 80 command and you will see something like -> http://localhost:80, then you can go to your moodle site and add this to your config.php:

$CFG->wwwroot = "";

After doing this, you should be able to access your site from anywhere using in the app.

I'm not too familiar with SCORM, so I cannot help you with that one. Hopefully somebody else can chip in.