Adding own H5P content type in moodle

Adding own H5P content type in moodle

napisao/la kkk 1316 -
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Hello, I'm developing my own H5P library (own content type) to use later in my moodle site. When I try to upload an h5p file through the content bank, I get the following error:

"Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload new libraries. Please contact your administrator."

"missing-required-library: Missing required library H5P.MyLib"

The library itself is written according to all H5P standards and is successfully launched, for example, in drupal or using the H5P dev tool. After a bit of searching, I found out that a similar error can occur if a moodle user with a specific role does not have permission to update H5P libraries (h5p.updatelibraries). I went to my site with the role: manager, this role has h5p.updatelibraries enabled in the settings, but the error still occurs, perhaps someone has encountered a similar problem and can suggest a solution.

Attachment Снимок экрана 2021-04-23 в 19.28.58.png
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