"This site has mobile app access enabled." shows on user profiles, even though mobile is NOT enabled

"This site has mobile app access enabled." shows on user profiles, even though mobile is NOT enabled

โดย Mia Musolino -
Number of replies: 2
Running Moodle 3.10.1. We do not have Mobile enabled (I've double and triple checked this), yet all users have the Mobile App section on the Profile page, and it indicates that the site has the mobile app access enabled. Can anyone suggest how I might get this removed from the Profile page, so we do not have users contacting us about Mobile until we are actually using it? 

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In reply to Mia Musolino

Re: "This site has mobile app access enabled." shows on user profiles, even though mobile is NOT enabled

โดย Isabel Renedo -
รูปภาพของMoodle HQ รูปภาพของParticularly helpful Moodlers
Hi Mia

Could you double-check that "Enable web services for mobile devices" (on Administration > Site administration > Mobile app > Mobile settings) is unchecked? (https://docs.moodle.org/en/Mobile_web_services#Disabling_mobile_web_services)

Best regards,

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