Course page - Topics format: adding simple text?

Course page - Topics format: adding simple text?

per Helena Nacinovic -
Nombre de respostes: 3


I have a course in topics format and I'd like to add some text in the topic overview / course page without it being an activity. is there anyway to do this? If so, how?


Mitjana de qualificacions: -
En resposta a Helena Nacinovic

Re: Course page - Topics format: adding simple text?

per Beatriz Rojo -
yes this is possible. In the corresponding topic, click Edit>Edit topic:

You will have access to a text editor where you can add anything you like.
En resposta a Beatriz Rojo

Re: Course page - Topics format: adding simple text?

per Joost Elshoff -
Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Testers
Hi Helena and Beatriz,

It is possible to edit the section summary just like Beatriz already mentioned. There is however a caution to this: if you (by accident) happen to delete the section, you'll lose the text you added without any way to restore it.

If you add the text using the Label resource, this has some important advantages:
the text can be moved to another section, or right between two activities in the section
when you delete the section, the text goes to the recycle bin, being a Label resource that may be restored later on.