Push Notifications Click

Push Notifications Click

Ahmed Mahmoud -
Vastausten määrä: 2

Hi, I have my own customized Moodle app connected to my own Airnotifier server. Both were setup using the official documentation and guides. The app runs on Android and the push notification is received successfully but when it is clicked the app open on the default home page, although it should open the notification related page.

My question is, does the standard setup of Airnotifier server support that feature of redirecting to specific app page or is there something needs to be done there ?

Also, is there anything needs to be done on moodle web to allow this ? I checked the send_message() function in /message/output/airnotifier/message_output_airnotifier.php and didn't find anything that seems related to that matter, just standard usage of Airnotifier api.

Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus Ahmed Mahmoud

Re: Push Notifications Click

Phạm Lê Minh -
Same As Me, after clicked on the notification, the app open on the default home page