H5P Activity and Grade to pass

Re: H5P Activity and Grade to pass

von Steve Bilton -
Anzahl Antworten: 0


So, this same issue was reported to us by our students.

It seems the attempts report for H5P does not take in to account nor work with the maximum grade and grade to pass that is set within H5P activity.

I found the report of attempts only shows 'pass/success' if the student has scored 100% in the questions and doesn't listen to the grades set as per above. Otherwise, any score not achieve 100%, it will state 'fail'.

So, it's the H5P activity report that is not made well by the developers and really should be fixed.

The gradebook, course completion criteria, etc. all work perfectly within moodle. So, what I did is realise the H5P activity reports are effectively 'broken' and only causes confusion for students; hence I've opted to completely hide this from view using CSS.

Here's the css I have used, just enter it in your theme it may work for you also and get rid of those pesky questions from students, like... "why doesn't it show I passed when I scored 90%?", etc.

CSS to use:

/*H5P individual attempts and all attempts reports page, doesn't correctly report pass/fail grade, so hiding from report*/

[id="page-mod-h5pactivity-report"] :not(table-striped) th:nth-child(7), [id="page-mod-h5pactivity-report"] :not(table-striped) td:nth-child(7) {display: none; visibility: hidden;} /*all attempts page*/

[id="page-mod-h5pactivity-report"] dt:nth-child(7), [id="page-mod-h5pactivity-report"] dd:nth-child(8) {display: none; visibility: hidden;} /*individual attempt page*/

Ta daaa!