Device Detection for SCORM activities (Moodle 3.7)

Device Detection for SCORM activities (Moodle 3.7)

Dave Emsley發表於
Number of replies: 2

Hi there,

Title says it really.   Is it possible to do device detection for a SCORM activity and present one of two SCORM packages depending on the user's device?

(PS I do know it is possible to write SCORM packages as responsive but this is using legacy packages we don't want to re-write if we can avoid it).

Best Regards


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In reply to Dave Emsley

Re: Device Detection for SCORM activities (Moodle 3.7)

Richard Oelmann發表於
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I'm not sure about for the scorm activities themselves - and I don't think there is an availability release condition based on browser/device detection - although it may be possible to build one?
A possible work around may be to tweak your theme so that device detection adds a body class, which can then be used to hide/show elements based on that class.
In reply to Dave Emsley

Re: Device Detection for SCORM activities (Moodle 3.7)

Ken Task發表於
Particularly helpful Moodlers的相片

'... using legacy packages ...' does that mean shockwave flash?

If so, better off rebuilding.

'SoS'. Ken